Wednesday, 23 January 2019

What is a geotechnical soil report?

Before a building, road, bridge, or other types of infrastructure, local authorities in most towns and cities require a geotechnical soil report or soil survey that had been conducted by accredited agencies. Without this document, a project would not proceed. Therefore, companies and contractors should include soil report while planning for the construction of a structure – whether permanent or temporary.
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 The soil report would ensure that the site can withstand the load of the structure and avoid risking harm to the people and other structures surrounding it.

The first step in creating a soil report is a soil analysis. Depending on the area involved, boreholes might have to be drilled to extract soil samples, which would then be sent to geotechnical service testing laboratories for investigation. From here, there would be a general idea on the condition of the soil.

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The conditions of the project site would also have to be examined. A brief geological history of the area would be researched, which includes records of landslides, seismic activities, and any prior land usage. A reconnaissance of the site would also have to be made to provide information about the terrain, geology, nearby faults, water table, sinkholes, and other items.

The resulting report would show whether constructing the structure is feasible. Recommendations can also be presented to ensure the safety of the project and the stability of the structure.

Reddy Kancharla is a former civil engineer who has experience in various fields that include geotechnical consultation. Visit this blog for more related topics.

The truth about civil construction and its impact on society

Civil engineering builds a critical feature in every community. Professionals in this field of engineering are the ones in charge of studying the science of building and designing bridges, roads, highways, and other major construction projects.

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The modern world expects civil engineers to find creative and innovative means wherein they can boost infrastructure through the changes in climate, increased urbanization, and even drought. Construction engineering is a branch of civil engineering first introduced in 1963 at Iowa State University. This branch of civil engineering is in charge of the planning, management, and construction of infrastructures like bridges, highways, roads, railroads, airports and more.

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The construction for such infrastructures demands the involvement of engineers from the fields of hydraulic, transportation, environmental, geotechnical, site development, and structural engineering, to execute the designs. Considered as problem solvers, construction engineers assist in developing infrastructures that live up to the demands of their environment. A construction engineer must possess an accurate knowledge of mathematics, science, communication, analytical thinking, time management, and other skills that are essential for solving problems.

Civil engineering and construction is a field that offers great opportunities. The modern world is surrounded by countless contributions of civil engineering through creativity and continuous innovation. Without the efforts of engineers, people could be put in harm’s way and the environment compromised. No matter how modern the world can get, the safety of the people and environment must remain as the top priority of civil engineering and construction.

Reddy Kancharla has extensive knowledge of engineering theories, principles, and practical solutions of engineering problems relating to civil engineering and the construction industry, and the development of quality systems in the construction industry per various codes and standards. Head over to this blog for similar updates.

Geotechnics and its role in construction and development

Geotechnical engineering is the branch of engineering studying and working with soil and rock, underground water, site and structural conditions, with regard to a construction project. Engineers who work in this field are tasked to plan and design the structures for roads, buildings, canals, embankments, and other construction projects.

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Considered multi-disciplinary, geotechnical engineering also deals with geological hazards such as soil erosion, landslides, and in extreme cases, earthquakes. To improve and refine methods and equipment in performing ground surveys, research and development in geotechnical engineering is conducted. Geotechnical engineers would have to spend most of their time in the field and in facilities for analysis.

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Engineers in the geotechnical industry must be inquisitive, motivated, and committed to their duties such as calculating and analyzing the behavior and capacity of soil and rock when it comes to planning buildings, dams, bridges, and other structures. As the behavior of the ground constantly changes, geotechnical engineers should also be ready to operate innovative equipment, apply updated safety regulations, and take on other aspects of the work beyond their job description. In addition, they could study and assess slope stability, and hazards such as landslides, avalanches, and rock fall.

With a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or other mathematics, science, and geology, geotechnical engineers can enroll in graduate studies to fortify their expertise. Without the expertise of geotechnical engineers, it would be impossible to build strong structures that would last lifetimes. The safety of the people who will be needing the structures built for their day-to-day lives rely heavily on the skills of these engineers.

Reddy Kancharla has more than 25 years of experience in projects involving civil construction, geotechnical consultation, and construction QA/QC. In addition, he has 10 years of senior management experience. Visit this blog for more updates on civil engineering.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Future builders: An inspiring look at young people in love with engineering

For veteran engineers, it’s an extremely heartwarming occasion to see young people who aren’t even out of school yet to have such a love for engineering. These are the future builders of the world, with a bright future ahead.
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 There was a story on some students from Mukilteo Washington who used their spring break to expand their knowledge in engineering in what is known as a Youth Engineering Lab. In it, young people were exposed to computer software, robotics, and other tools used for engineering.

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However, this is the only instance wherein America’s youth has fallen in love with engineering. Over the years, the number of engineering students has increased with a steady success rate after graduation. The youth of the country has constantly improved in terms of their capacity to make decisions, innovate, and open themselves to learning new things – all of which are qualities of top-notch engineers.

Nowadays, teens have taken it upon themselves to learn how to use modern engineering devices such as 3D printers and robotic controls to create miniature models of future structures.
This is as promising as it is inspiring. And of course, for old-school engineers, very comforting knowing that the future of American engineering is in good hands.

Reddy Kancharla is equipped with a comprehensive knowledge on engineering theories, principles, and practical solutions of engineering problems in civil engineering and the construction industry. Follow this Twitter page for more discussion on the field of civil engineering.

Importance of structural engineering in the construction world

As one of the most fundamental branches of engineering, structural engineering is necessary for all major construction works for them to be built safely. This is due to the very basic principle that states that structures should first and foremost be able to carry their own weight and withstand the load to be placed upon it. Here are further reasons why structural engineering is necessary in the construction world.
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 The main function of structural engineering is seeing to it that a structure is safe. This safety can be translated as safety during construction as well as the usage. For example, structural engineers, upon reviewing the designs and materials to be used for a bridge, can determine the maximum weight it can hold. It can even determine the up to what magnitude of an earthquake a building can withstand.
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Structural engineers are also tasked to make sure that all building materials are used efficiently. Switching construction material can be detrimental to the structural integrity of a building if chosen poorly. Structural engineers need to seek the most cost-efficient construction material that ensures both safety and functionality.

Perhaps the biggest task of structural engineers is combining the whims of building designers and the people involved with the project’s budget. Structural engineers are expected to work on the aesthetic designs laid out, make them functional, safe, and within the expected cost of the project.

Reddy Kancharla has extensive knowledge of engineering theories, principles, and practical solutions of engineering problems relating to civil engineering and the construction industry, and the development of quality systems in the construction industry per various codes and standards. For more reads on structural engineering and engineering in general, visit this blog.